(中英文)硅谷知名风投教父Tim Draper:我为什么认为比特币革命即将到来
星空注:本文作者为硅谷知名风投教父、德丰杰(DFJ)投资基金创始人、Draper University创始人,同时也是比特币早期投资者Tim Draper先生。
It wasn’t 10 years ago, but more like 15, when I first saw the potential for a digital currency. I’ve been through some big up and downs in bitcoin. But today, I’m more certain than ever that the bitcoin revolution is coming.
In 2004, I learned from a wealthy Korean industrialist that people were paying real-world money for digital items like weapons to use in massively multiplayer video games. The game was “Lineage,” which was taking Seoul by storm.
It got me thinking that there was an amazing business in virtual goods coming.
Later, Joel Yarmon first introduced me to bitcoin in about 2011. He brought in Peter Vincennes and his company Coinlab to pitch us. Bitcoin was a new currency that could be used to store value and pay for anything, not just for advancement in a video game.
后来,Joel Yarmon在2011年左右第一次向我介绍了比特币。他带来了Peter Vincennes和他的公司Coinlab来向我们展示。比特币是一种新型货币,可用于存储价值和支付商品,而不仅仅局限于推动视频游戏的进步。
I quickly absorbed the basics of bitcoin: miners, wallets and such. The decreasing number of bitcoins available to be mined over time meant that the price of a bitcoin would increase in value as fewer bitcoins were mined and usage increased. In fact, as bitcoins spread and their usage increased, it was likely that the currency would become more valuable.
Coinlab would become a bitcoin-focused innovator and miner. We made a small investment in the company. My son Adam started an accelerator called Boost VC, dedicated to bitcoin (and blockchain) companies. He was the first investor in Coinbase.
那时Coinlab将成为一个以比特币为中心的创新和挖矿机构。我们对公司进行了一笔小额投资。同时,我的儿子 Adam创办了Boost VC加速器,致力于投资比特币和区块链公司。他是Coinbase的第一个投资者。
Around that time, I asked Peter if I could buy $250,000 worth of bitcoin. He bought some for me at about $6 each and stored them in Mt. Gox, the largest bitcoin exchange at the time. He said he would also buy a high-speed mining chip from Butterfly Labs to get us even cheaper bitcoin. Both of these efforts went south.
大约在那个时候,我咨询了Peter我是否可以购买价值25万美元的比特币。他以每枚约6美元的价格为我买了一些比特币并存放在Mt. Gox(星空财经注:Mt. Gox又名“门头沟交易所”,由Jed McCaled在2010年7月建立,2011年将卖给了马克·卡佩勒斯。在后者的管理下,Mt.Gox一度成长为全球最大的比特币交易所,承担全球超过70%的比特币交易。但2014年4月申请破产,是比特币历程中的里程碑事件之一)。Peter说他还会从Butterfly Labs购买一个高速采矿芯片,以便我们以更便宜的成本挖到比特币。当然,后来这两项努力都付诸东流了。
First, the mining chip was delayed. Rather than shipping it to Peter as ordered, Butterfly Labs used the chip to mine bitcoins for themselves. By the time Peter received the ASIC chips, mining had dramatically increased in difficulty. Meanwhile, the bitcoin I had bought was “lost” by Mt. Gox.
首先,采矿芯片延期了。Butterfly Labs没有按照订单将它运送给Peter,而是使用芯片给自己挖比特币了。当Peter收到ASIC芯片时,采矿的难度已经大大增加。与此同时,我买的那些比特币被Mt.GOX搞“丢”了(黑客袭击该交易所盗走了大量比特币)。
Bitcoin’s resilience
But something important happened with the failure of Mt. Gox. The price of bitcoin only dropped about 20 percent, and the currency continued to be traded on other exchanges. I was flabbergasted and fascinated.
但是随着Mt. Gox破产,一些重要的事情发生了。比特币的价格仅仅下跌约20%,而且比特币还是继续在其他交易所上交易。这让我非常吃惊,并为之深深着迷。
I realized that the demand for this new digital currency was so strong that even a huge theft would not keep bitcoin from creating a new way for us to transact, store and move money. Since the financial crisis, people were losing their confidence in government or “fiat” currencies. I went on to back a number of the Boost VC bitcoin companies, and as I was discovering more and more uses, an enormous opportunity arose.
我意识到,人们对这种比特币新型数字货币的需求如此强烈,以至于即使是一场巨大黑客盗币事件也不会阻止比特币为我们创造一种新的交易/存储和转移资金的方式。自金融危机以来,人们已经对政府或“法定货币”失去了信心。随着我了解到比特币应用越来越多时,我也继续投资了一些Boost VC的比特币公司。一个巨大的机会出现了!
And something happened that gave me another shot at getting involved in the bitcoin opportunity. The U.S. Marshall’s office confiscated the bitcoins owned by the Silk Road, an online drug marketplace, and almost 30,000 bitcoins were put up for auction. I looked at this as an opportunity to rebuy the bitcoins I lost.
The market price then was $618 per bitcoin. At the last minute, I decided to bid higher than market price. I bid $632 and won all of the bitcoins!
After the inevitable buyer’s remorse for paying a higher price than anyone else was willing to pay, I thought about how I could best drive a positive use for these bitcoins with a tainted past. I decided that I would use them to support the proliferation of bitcoin through emerging country marketplaces where people didn’t have confidence in their own currencies.
Many people in such countries are not “bankable.” Banks lose money on people who don’t have enough to make all the paperwork worthwhile. Banking regulations set up to protect the little guy have actually kept the little guy from participating in the economy — almost guaranteeing that he will remain “the little guy.” There are billions of “unbanked.”
在这些国家,许多人都不是“银行的客户”。银行对那些小微客户并没有兴趣花成本去维护。为保护这个小微客户而设立的银行法规实际上让这个小微客户不能参与经济 – 几乎可以肯定银行不会管这些“小微客户”。有数十亿的“小微客户”没有办法获得银行金融服务。
Avish Bhama, one Boost entrepreneur with a company called Mirror helped me figure out a good plan to spread the currency to emerging country markets. The idea was to allow people from developing nations the ability to invest in anything (even to go short against their own currency) by using bitcoin as the “rails,” the conduit for the trades.
Avish Bhama是Mirror公司的一位企业家,他帮助我找到了一个可以将比特币推广到新兴国家市场的好计划。这个想法是为了让发展中国家的人们能够利用比特币作为交易的“轨道通道”,投资任何东西(甚至做空本国货币)。
Mirror later changed its business model, but companies I backed later — BitPesa in Africa, Bitpagos in Latin America, and CoinHako in Southeast Asia — are making the emerging world their marketplace.
Mirror后来改变其业务模式,但后来我投资的公司- 非洲的Bitpesa、拉丁美洲的Bitpagos和东南亚的Coinhako-正在使得新兴国家成为他们的的市场。
Bitcoin’s great potential
I remain impressed by the possibilities for bitcoin and blockchain. Bitcoin is a currency that is accepted everywhere without any government friction or interference, a stored value solution that doesn’t require a holder to keep a room full of metals and art, and a frictionless currency that can move automatically based on a contract, without the usual drag that comes from regulations and accounting rules.
But there are many other uses.
A bitcoin wallet can also be used as an escrow for a contract in transition, as a redistribution of an estate or as a transfer agent to distribute payments, dividends or shares of stock. Blockchains can keep track of money, data, inventory, contracts, etc., and “smart” contracts can be designed such that they anticipate eventualities and automatically distribute funds appropriately. Corporations can use the blockchain to automatically pay employees their wages and benefits, pay shareholders their dividends, and pay noteholders their interest and principal payments, all with precise accuracy and automated accounting.
The blockchain can manage three-way transfers with ease, and eventually will handle retail transactions without the need for credit or debit cards. Insurance companies can use it to manage their claims and automate collections. Real estate escrows and titles can all be done quickly and easily between buyer and seller. Drugs and food can be authenticated by blockchain to guarantee their origins.
And the U.S. Government can manage social security, welfare, Medicare, worker’s comp, disability and all their data verification of citizens and businesses with bitcoin and the blockchain, since blockchain is the perfect government employee.
It is honest, incorruptible, secure, and fair.
Change is coming
Many industries will have to go through fundamental changes to adapt to the advent of this new way of thinking. People will have to learn that the bank, being the trusted third party for centuries will soon be replaced by computers that now monitor their holdings through the blockchain. Banking will be simpler, safer and easier than relying on people to do the monotonous work in some brick-and-mortar facility.
It is interesting to note that countries, now recognizing that they are in competition with one another, are trying to make sure they win the bitcoin economy. The smartest of these are either allowing bitcoin to prosper or recognize that they need a light touch in regulating bitcoin to attract all the creativity, money and startups that are flooding into the field.
The U.S. was wise to leave the internet unregulated and free because all the internet entrepreneurs created startups domestically and the economy around the internet blossomed. Keeping its regulatory hands light should help innovators stay in the U.S.
There are many parallels between bitcoin now and the internet in 1994. In 1994, the internet was just for hobbyists and hackers. I remember when I first used the Internet, the only things I could do were to buy diamonds and try to break into NORAD. There were very few uses. It took many years for the internet to become mainstream, but when it did, it transformed industries.
The long-term vision for bitcoin is to give the world economic emancipation. The potential if bitcoin is only limited by the imaginations of the entrepreneurs who work to drive this new virtual economy. To monitor and keep it honest, I believe that the community of users will ultimately self-regulate, possibly eclipsing or obviating the need for the various governments to regulate the crypto world.
I’ve been through the ups and downs with bitcoin, and I am as certain as ever that the bitcoin revolution is coming.
It is here to bank the unbanked, to democratize economic opportunity and to reevaluate governance. I expect that it will change everything from the banks and the financial system to healthcare, to democracy, even the government.
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